Source code for airflow_supervisor.config.airflow

from datetime import time, timedelta
from typing import Literal, Optional

from pydantic import Field
from supervisor_pydantic.config.base import _BaseCfgModel

__all__ = ("AirflowConfiguration",)

[docs] class AirflowConfiguration(_BaseCfgModel): """Settings that MUST be set when running in airflow""" # Passthrough to PythonSensor in airflow-ha check_interval: timedelta = Field( default=timedelta(seconds=5), description="Interval between supervisor program status checks" ) check_timeout: timedelta = Field( default=timedelta(hours=8), description="Timeout to wait for supervisor program status checks" ) # HighAvailabilityOperator custom args runtime: Optional[timedelta] = Field(default=None, description="Max runtime of Supervisor job") endtime: Optional[time] = Field(default=None, description="End time of Supervisor job") maxretrigger: Optional[int] = Field( default=None, description="Max number of retriggers of Supervisor job (e.g. max number of checks separated by `check_interval`)", ) reference_date: Literal["start_date", "logical_date", "data_interval_end"] = Field( default="data_interval_end", description="Reference date for the job. NOTE: Airflow schedules after end of date interval, so `data_interval_end` is the default", )